Register now for pottery classes beginning in just a few weeks! We have beginning, intermediate, and advanced offerings in our list of classes on our web site. We welcomed many new potters in the next session and we are excited to see all of you advance your techniques. Classes can be repeated if it is the only day and time you can fit in your pottery class during the week. Otherwise, if you have some experience, just give us a call to help you decide the best the class that meets your artistic and creative needs!
We offer a set of progressively more involved or difficult forms with continued instruction, help, and discussion. This ensures that your work is always progressing and improving. It is my belief that if you are shown the techniques, watched while you attempt new forms, and discuss the results, you can make many forms that are challenging even for experienced potters.
We are continuing to advance intermediate students in their knowledge of clays and glazes, how they are made and the important qualities and contributions glazes make to your finished forms.
Studio Nadeau wants you to thrive and grow in confidence. This is a wonderful community of potters who help each other during open studios and offer you support on your journey.
Our separate membership program offers studio space for independent potters and we have spaces available starting at $250 per month. Our members inspire and motivate our students and contribute to our welcoming, friendly, sharing community.