Ellen had mentioned teaching at University of Michigan during class one day when one of the students exclaimed “Wow, I thought you were just Ellen. I didn’t know you were famous.” Everyone got a good laugh, but it occurred to us that we had not been letting people know why they were getting such quality and advanced teaching. We also found it is rare that prospective students look through Ellen's past work when they are signing up for classes. You can see more in the Ceramic Gallery.

Clark Building Lobby, Chicago
So we came to realize we were not marketing very well, so I (Ellen's husband Tom), took over. Just the marketing, accounting, cleaning the studio, making clay... You might see me every now and then during classes or open studios. If you do, please introduce yourself and say hi.
So, I made some changes to the website and would love for you to take a look. The home page now highlights Ellen's extensive experience in both making and teaching ceramic arts. It also mentions places where her work was exhibited in both galleries and collections.

Private Collection, Napa, California

Installation, Pirate Gallery, Denver
I made changes to the class descriptions too. Asked Ellen where she first taught each class and added it to the description. Talked her into teaching some more advanced classes too. Many are on the classes page already, but there are some exciting changes coming to the class offerings that will help students get to the next level as ceramic artists.
There is a lot more to come on the marketing front. We have been at it for three years now and are starting to take it to the next level. We welcome any suggestions you may have to help get the word out. If you would like to help out in an easy way, please write a review on Google. with five stars, of course 😉